Friday, December 9, 2011

The Best of 2011

Seattle Magazine has listed us as on of the best things in 2011 local arts! Thanks, Seattle Mag! Here's what they said:

Most Innovative Approach to the Literary Journal:  Filter

Sometimes, thinking outside of the box means thinking inside of a box. Jennifer Borges Foster’s hand-ornamented and hand-sewn literary journal Filter is always a thing of beauty, but for this year’s volume (the third), she went completely above and beyond the bounds of the literary journal as we know it. Foster and her team collected each of the new edition’s 215 copies of poetry, fiction, essays and visual art in a magnetized box with a gorgeous letterpress cover, and—acknowledging the fact that people rarely read journals in the intended order—left sets of pages loose, unbound. Which means readers can delight in surrounding themselves with the contents, much like kids dumping out Halloween trick-or-treat bags—and with the same sweet sense of anticipation.

We are still making copies of Filter, so if you need the perfect gift for a lit-loving friend, go to and grab a copy!

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